Salim Raz as a Progressive Poet

سليم راز د يو ترقي پسند شاعر په حېث


  • Sayed Mohsin Shah
  • Dr.Qadar Wahid (Samandar Yousafzai)


Salim Raz, Progressive Poet


Saleem Raaz was a progressive poet and writer. He dedicated his life to the well-being and prosperity of the poor, downtrodden and oppressed people of the society. His poetry shows that he was a true nationalist, but did not believe in narrow nationalism. He was a poet of love and peace. He fought against all kinds of tyranny, injustice, oppression, ignorance, poverty, war, exploitation, sectarianism and extremism. 

Author Biographies

Sayed Mohsin Shah

PhD scholar, department of Pashtu, University of Malakand

Dr.Qadar Wahid (Samandar Yousafzai)

Lecturer, department of Pashtu University of Malakand


